Four great achievements

21 February 2020

efforts of the children of Iran in the Actover Pharmaceutical Group, four great achievements in the current situation are presented as a drop from the boundless sea of service to the noble people of our country.

With the approval of God Almighty and the unceasing and fruitful efforts of the children of Iran in the Actover Group, four great achievements in the current situation are presented as a drop from the boundless sea of service to the noble people of our country. We hope that these services will continue in the shadow of His Holiness’s attention:

  1. Oseltamivir drug with the brand name of Camber
  2. Combined drug of Lopinavir and Ritonavir under the Hetero’s Brand
  3. Hand sanitizing solution with the brand name of Micro Zoda

         and ultimately

  1. Donation of personal protective clothing (sterile gown) to the dedicated soldiers of the health system by the charity of the late Dr. Naraghi

We would like to express our gratitude for the tireless efforts of our dear colleagues in the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Mahan Airlines and all our dear friends in the Actover pharmaceutical and food industry group.

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