Amadeh Laziz Company, the Food Branch of Actover Group
Amadeh Laziz Company is a pioneer company in the field of food production, which has been operating in this field since 2002. In the Amadeh-Laziz factories complex in an area of 69,000 m2 in Karaj with more than 1500 specialized personnel, food products are produced with quality and in accordance with Iranian taste.
Application of the best raw materials, commitment to quality and production of food in accordance with international standards are among the points that the Amadeh-Laziz factory always considers in the production of its products.
Amadeh-Laziz Corporation
Started at 1381
Introduction of Brands and Food Group Products
Elite: Elite is the main brand and one of the oldest products of the Amadeh-Laziz company, which was registered in 2005. Elite is the market leader in the production of foodstuffs such as Noodelite, bouillons and soups. Elite food products are produced with a focus on quality and using the best raw materials and in accordance with current world standards. By producing prepared and semi-prepared food products, all kinds of Noodelites, soups, meat and vegetable bouillons, seasonings, spices, stews, pastas and spaghetti, olive oil, express soups and cup noodles in the Amadeh-Laziz factory, without losing taste, quality and nutritional value, make cooking easier and faster. At present, the food basket of Elite products includes more than 250 types of products.
Copa: Copa is also the main sweet brand of the company. Copa products factory was established in 2015 in Baharestan industrial town of Karaj. More than 250 different products such as biscuits, wafers, breakfast chocolate, chewing gum, jelly, etc. are produced in this factory. Various types of toffee, candy, gumdrops and all kinds of instant drinks are Copa’s future products.
Other Brands of Amadeh Laziz
Copa Cafe, Fast (chewing gum), Montille (chewing gum), Hallit (semi-prepared food), Aroma (coffee), Tam Tam (biscuit), Molinari (olive oil), Tempo (syrup), X-Fast (chewing gum) and Fit and Fan (dessert) are brands of Amadeh-Laziz corporation.

Amadeh Laziz Company, during its years of activity, has been firmly established as one of the most successful food production companies and in this field has succeeded to win the title of top exporter in Iran.