Senior Lebanese officials visit from the Actover Group factories

07 July 2019

Adviser of the Lebanese Minister of Health, at the head of a high-level delegation of senior officials of this ministry, while visiting the factories of Actover Pharmaceutical Group and the greatest oncology drugs production site in Iran and the region, emphasized on the expansion of Iran-Lebanon pharmaceutical cooperation.

Adviser of the Lebanese Minister of Health, at the head of a high-level delegation of senior officials of this ministry, while visiting the factories of Actover Group and the greatest oncology drugs production site in Iran and the region, emphasized on the expansion of Iran-Lebanon pharmaceutical cooperation.

According to Actoverco Public Relations, Advisor of the Lebanese Minister of Health, Dr. Riyaz Fazlullah,  President of the Lebanese Pharmacists Syndicate, Dr. Ghassan Hashemalamin, and accompanying delegation, on Sunday, July 7, 2019, visited the Actover Group factories and got acquainted with the capabilities of this complex.

During the visit, which took place from the production lines of solids, ampoules and biotechnological products of Actoverco factories, as well as solid and injectable products of Actero factory (the largest oncology drug production site in the country and region), comprehensive explanations regarding production line standards, the utilized technologies and production capacities of Actover Group  were presented.

Also, in this visit, the field of pharmaceutical cooperation between two countries was examined and it was decided to coordinate and take further measures by forming an expert group.

Reference: PHANA

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