Dr. Sattari’s visits from Actoverco, Actoverco’s Innovation Center launch and signing two cooperation agreements

07 May 2019

The Vice President for Science and Technology visited the production lines and various sections of this pharmaceutical complex at the Actoverco factory.

The Vice President for Science and Technology visited the production lines and various sections of this pharmaceutical complex at the Actoverco factory.

According to Actoverco’s Public Relations, Actoverco Company, taking advantage of the existing academic opportunities for accelerating activities in the field of pharmaceutical and food products, has set up the “Actotech Innovation Center” in Sharif Innovation Station, which today its knowledge-based activities officially started with the presence of Sorena Sattari. Moreover in this visit, in order to develop knowledge-based activities, two cooperation agreements were signed separately by the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Knowledge-Based Activities Department of the Ministry of Health with the CEOs of Actoverco and AmadehLaziz company were concluded.

Reference: PHANA

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